Our researchers and clinicians endeavour to create tangible change in the communities in which they work and often develop useful resources that could be adapted for other environments, countries or communities.
All of the below are free for anyone to use.
Please do get in touch if you'd like to discuss any particular resource in more depth and how to best apply it in your context.
Child Development Resources
Neuroimaging Videos
English version
'Brain Imaging with Babies: An Explainer Video for Mothers and Caregivers' - isiXhosa version
'Brain Imaging with Babies: An Explainer Video for Mothers and Caregivers' - Afrikaans version
Child Helpline Videos
English version
'Feeling Safe' - isiXhosa version
'Feeling Safe' - Afrikaans version

©2025 Neuroscience Institute. This is open access under the CC BY 4.0 License. People are free to share as long as appropriate credit is given/link is provided.