The NI is a cross-faculty, interdisciplinaryinstitute linking neuroscience activity across the university, the associated teaching hospitals of the Western Cape Government Department of Health, and further afield. The NI aspires to be a South African centre of research excellence, providing a vibrant, world-class environment that offers shared clinical and research facilities and meeting spaces designed to foster collaboration and mentorship.
The Governing Board
The Governing Board gives strategic advice to the Director and the Dean on the direction and management of the Neuroscience Institute (NI), as well as acting as advocates for the Institute. The Board receives reports from the Leadership Team via the Director, and from the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) via the ISAC Chair. The Board will meet annually, reporting to the University Research Committee (URC) which in turn reports to the University Senate. All appointments to the NI organisational entities listed below must be ratified by the Governing Board.
• URC Chair; DVC for Research & Internationalisation, or nominee (Chair)
• A member of the URC, appointed by the URC
• Groote Schuur Hospital CEO • Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
• Deans of other participating Faculties
• Institute Director
• Institute Deputy Director
• Two Institute Members, elected by the Institute Membership for 3 years
• Additional members at the discretion of the Chair
The International Scientific Advisory Committee
The ISAC makes recommendations to the Governing Board and the Director on research strategy and scientific matters. Nominees are invited to serve on this committee by the Director, in consultation with the members of the Institute, and appointed by the Governing Board Chair for a period of 5 years, which may be renewable. Ideally, the committee will meet at the Institute every 2-3 years, with online meetings to be held at the discretion of the ISAC Chair.
Working Groups
Two Working Groups focus on the intersection of research questions and methods aligned with the NI Research Strategy, and work in a complementary manner to ensure implementation of the strategy. These Working Groups recognize the fact that the viability of an Institute such as the NI is due to the existence of strong research groups, with access to existing research facilities, while longer term success depends on ensuring sustainability of this foundation, mentoring emerging researchers, fostering collaboration between groups, and establishing new programs and infrastructure in areas of need.
Neuroscience Investigators Working Group
This group is composed of Principal Investigators in the NI, or leaders of URC-accredited units or other generally recognised research groupings within the NI, as nominated by the Director in consultation with the Working Group Chairs. The purpose of this Working Group is:
- to share ideas about interdisciplinary research
- to provide intellectual leadership, support and mentorship for colleagues
- to ensure that the interests of investigators are represented on the NI Leadership Team
Neuroscience Platforms Working Group
This group is composed of the directors or leaders of research platforms and facilities that are integral to the functioning of the NI, as nominated by the Director in consultation with the Working Group Chairs. The purpose of this Working Group is:
- to share knowledge, expertise and experience
- to encourage communication between facilities and foster collaboration
- to ensure that the interests of such facilities are represented on the NI Leadership Team
Young Investigator’s Forum
This forum comprises early-career fellows, postdoctoral researchers, postgraduate students (research and professional masters, doctoral) who share research, ideas on networking and interdisciplinarity implementation, as well as challenges related to the emerging research setting in South Africa and the Global South.
Leadership Team