Dr Mubeen Goolam elected as a fellow of the South African Young Academy of Science
Ten new members of the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) were inaugurated on the 20th of October 2022 and, proudly, we can count Dr Mubeen Goolam among them as representing UCT and the Neuroscience Institute.
SAYAS was launched in October 2011 as a means to enable South Africa’s young scientists to fully participate in local and internationally relevant research and development agendas. It provides a national platform where leading young scientists from all disciplines in the country can interact, and also access international networking and career development opportunities.
SAYAS members are young scientists below the age of 40, have PhDs and are deemed excellent in their fields of expertise. SAYAS members come from all disciplines including pure and applied sciences, humanities, social sciences and the arts.
Find the full list of new members here