NI students win big at recent SONA conerence

The recent Society of Neuroscientists of Africa (SONA) conference held in Johannesburg from 11-14 July was a veritable sweepstakes for Neuroscience Institute students, winning 5 of the 8 prizes.
Amalia Awala (third from right) - 1st prize oral presentation (Dangarembizi Lab)
Emily Higgit (second from let) - 1st prize poster competition (Dangarembizi Lab)
Sagel Kundieko (middle) - 2nd prize poster competition (Raimondo Lab)
Dr Anja de Lange (farthest right) - 1st prize image competition (Dangarembizi and Raimondo Lab)
Roxanne Hattingh (farthest left) - 2nd prize image competition (Raimondo Lab)
Congratulations to these students and their supervisors!
Cling to these memories when tricksy experiments arise, equipment breaks and consumables deliveries are delayed. Science is hard, and that makes the victories sweeter.